Your wife is foolish and doesnt advise you, youre not my co-equal Obofour fires Adom Kyei

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Rev Obofour has launched another attack at Prophet Stephen Adom Kyei Duah.

Rev. Obofour of the Anointed Palace Chapel has launched another attack at Prophet Stephen Adom Kyei Duah of the Believers Worship Center.

The two men of God have been throwing shades at the opposite direction for some time now.

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In Rev Obofour’s latest attack, he extended the fire to the wife of the Believers Worship Center head.

According to the head of the Anointed Palace Chapel, when a wife is foolish she barely gives good advise to the husband, that’s why Prophet Stephen Adom Kyei Duah is lacking good advise.

He said to the Prophet who is old enough to be his father that he shouldn’t let his old age deceive him because he is not his co-equal in Christendom.

He said God’s Ministry is like football, you can be on the same pitch with him but he’s in the shape of Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi so you can’t compare yourself to him.

Rev. Obofour did set the records straight that where’s he’s reached in God’s Ministry, no one stands a chance against him.

He also talked about how multitude rush to his church but with Prophet Stephen Adom Kyei Duah, he had to do several promos to get people to come to his church.

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