D&D 5E - Looking for a cool new Druid Focus idea

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read
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You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. rgoodbb As the title suggests what could/would/should constitute a Druidic focus in your creative minds

For a Goblin Shaman Druid I see a shoulder bone of a larger animal named the Juju stick

What else have people used or are in your minds?

Thanks in advance

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For my Druid Outlander, he plays Pan Pipes, and I chose his background's 'trinket' to be a set of bone pipes made from his first kill.

He tarted it up a bit with some feathers and stuff to be a Totem. It sits around his neck.

So, when he replaces a material component (which isn't always), I flavor it as he just picks it up to his face a bit, and blows a few notes on the pipes - usually the theme to the Good, Bad, and the Ugly.

A gris-gris could works as a focus for a druid or a cleric. Prayer beads. A small geode.

cbwjm Some ideas off the top of my head.

An amulet made with the fang or claw of a large beast which was killed by the druid's own hand.

For those gnome and hafling druids, a lucky rabbits foot.

A staff wreathed in flowers (or thorns).

A wand made from an oak which had been struck by lightning.

An orb of quartz filled with water taken from a blessed spring.

A horned skull of a stag worn as part of a headdress.

rgoodbb What about a sickle?

Or an Oakenshield?

Would you allow those?
