Daniel Tibia death pictures twitter

May 2024 · 1 minute read

Daniel Filipe Petry, sometimes known as The Gamer Killer or Daniel Tibia was born in Santa Catarina, Brazil in 1991. Daniel and Gabriel were known to be good friends who used to play games together.
In the developing story,
Daniel was diagnosed with a brain disease. Daniel left for Gabriel’s house in a rage. Gabriel resisted trying to open the door. Daniel broke down the door to the home and started hitting Gabriel. Daniel also attacked Gabriel. Daniel in a struggle with Gabriel in order to choke him wrapped a cable around his neck. Gabriel died on the spot after several struggles. This incident happened in July 2007.
Daniel Tibia was given a three-year prison term and sent to a juvenile delinquency facility. Daniel has reached the age of 21. Since his release in 2010, Daniel has not been seen.

Daniel Tibia’s death pictures on Twitter


Daniel Tibia is not dead as some online websites are claiming and there are no dead pictures of him circulating on Twitter. Any news relating to his death and pictures are false. His whereabouts is actually not known.

Source: celebritiesbuzz.com.gh
