A Marriage Made in Heaven - LA Noire Guide

May 2024 · 4 minute read

"A Marrige Made In Heaven" starts with a nicely dressed man stumbling into the dark street holding his chest. In his stumbles a red vehicle runs into him, then drives off, leaving the victim on the street lifeless.


You find yourself with your parnter at the police station where you get your case.

Captain Gordon Leary:

"Alright, gentlemen. I just got this handed to me. A hit and run felony at Ray's Cafe, 208 North Los Angeles. Got a patrolman on site, the coroner's on his way. Get down there and see if you can find any witnesses who can put a make on the car."

NEW PERSON OF INTEREST: Hit-and-run victim
NEW CLUE: Hit-and-run vehicle
NEW OBJECTIVE: Investigate Ray's Cafe

Crime Scene: Ray's Cafe

Officer Sam Kaplan: "Detectives? Over here"
Cole Phelps: "Cole Phelps, Traffic. What have we got?"
Officer Sam Kaplan: "Vic is a white male. Nake of Lester Pattison. Walked out of the bar into the street, car hit over there, and he ended up here. Dead on impact by the look of it."
Cole Phelps: "Have you canvassed the area?"
Officer Sam Kaplan: "The only one with anything useful to contribute is the young lady over there. She lives above the bar. Name of Shannon Perry. No, it's not a stage name. Twenty-four years old. She left Kansas to follow the Yellow Brick Road."


Stefan Bekowsky: "Is that so?"
Cole Phelps: "We'll take a formal statement later. Right now we're going to take a look around."


Clue's to find at Crime Scene:

Identification CardFound on victims body
Insurance LetterFound on victims body
Coroner's ReportHeard after inspecting victim
Blood TrailFound on street leading to victim
Blood SplatterFound on street leading to blood trail
Tire MarksFound on street leading to blood splatter
Bloody Knife*Found in allyway dumpster

*The detectives are quick to dismiss the bloody knife, but later will prove useful to your case.

Witness: Shannon Perry

Eyewitness ReportTruth (Good Cop)
Suspect Vehicle DescriptionTruth (Good Cop)
Argument OverheardDoubt (Bad Cop)

Witness: Dudley Lynch

Hit and run incidentDoubt (Bad Cop)
Association with victimTruth (Good Cop)
Argument Overheard in barDoubt (Bad Cop)
Joint business ventureDoubt (Bad Cop)

New Objective: Investigate Shelton Residence

Pursue Shelton to the train station.

Car chases usually involve you driving alongside them and counting on your partner to blow out their tires. In this instance, however, you must follow Shelton to the train station, where he'll jettison the vehicle and try to bolt.

Arrest Shelton.

He claims to have been able to do nothing about it but is charged with manslaughter.

New Objective: Notify Mrs. Pattison


Head to the Pattison residence.

Speak to Mrs. Pattison.

Witness: Mrs. Pattison

Hit and run incident: Doubt

Mrs. Pattison's tumultuous relationship with Mr. Pattison and her nonchalant attitude about his death are enough cause for suspicion. If you obtained Lynch's Statement from properly ferreting information out of Perry and Dudley at Ray's Cafe you'll access an additional line of questioning with her.

Nature of argument: Doubt

Partnership with Leroy Sabo: Lie

Present insurance letter to back up your accusation.

After questioning, use the phone to access messages.

Any time you see a telephone icon on your minimap, you should get to a phone as soon as you have finished any business in the immediate area.

New Objective: Report to Central Morgue

Talk to the coroner.

Coroner reveals new evidence that the victim was stabbed.


New Objective: Apprehend Lorna Pattison

Return to the Pattison residence and crack down on the widow.

Chase Leroy.

You can chase Leroy and bring him in unharmed by training your gun on him, best done down the stretch of road between houses, or you can chase him until he takes a hostage and shoot him.

Up Next: The Fallen Idol

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