How Close Are King Charles And Princess Anne?

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read

Their tight bond aside, Anne and Charles are reportedly quite different people and fought as young brothers and sisters often do, Express reports. According to a former royal nanny, Anne was always more extroverted, while Charles was less boisterous and noisy. As children, Anne and Charles "fought like cats and dogs," the princess said, though they did share an interest in gardening.

Two years apart, Anne and Charles were very young at the time of their mother's coronation in 1953, and they were there for each another under intense media scrutiny as members of the royal family, Hello! writes. According to Princess Anne biographer Nicholas Courtney, "[Anne and Charles] spent all their time together, at least when Charles was not in the schoolroom." 

Elizabeth's other two children, Andrew and Edward, were born years later, so there was plenty of time for Anne and Charles' relationship to coalesce. Anne and Charles "[G]rew up in the 1960s, where you had this social change within the United Kingdom, within the world, people being freer, but you still have the constraints of the monarchy," royal historian Marlene Koenig said.

The royal siblings had marital problems around the same time: Charles with the late Princess Diana, and Anne, with her first husband, Mark Phillips (via Express). Of that period, Koenig told Insider, "I don't think she ever condemned him for his extramarital affairs, simply because she knew the people and she knew how miserable his marriage was."
